Episode 8

Episode 8: Success strategies for dyslexics with Habib Subjally!

In this episode we will interview Habib Subjally an incredibly Successful investor who will share his stories with dyslexia ranging from his co-diagnosis with his daughter to success strategies he used to thrive with his learning difference and how his dyslexia paved a path to a career in finance for him.

You can learn more about him on the link bellow:

Habib Subjally (rbcgam.com)

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Dyslexia and Beyond
Dyslexia and Beyond
A deep dive into successes with learning differences!

About your host

Profile picture for Marco Montalbano

Marco Montalbano

Marco Montalbano is a high school student with dyslexia who founded and hosts this podcast. In his podcast, he shares his story with dyslexia and the stories of experts and other people with learning differences. He hopes the podcast will educate the public and empower those with learning differences. During his free time, he can often be found working on various projects ranging from cooking to metal working and science experiments.